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ACPAU 2019 : Présentations du congrès

Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les sessions de pré-congrès? Visitez la page des présentations du pré-congrès de l’ACPAU 2019. Séances plénières LUNDI 10 JUIN MARDI 11 JUIN

Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

9 juillet 2019

Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office

The success of Queen’s five year $30+ Million PeopleSoft project depended on inclusive project governance, agreement on the scope and priorities, and advanced project management. After the project, there were dozens of enterprise-level projects still to be done, but with no governance processes for prioritizing, sequencing or funding them. Most were business initiatives with a … Continue reading "Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office"

16 avril 2015

« 40 000 usagers, une expérience unique. »

Avec une centaine d’employées et employés et 460 étudiantes et étudiants à son emploi, les  Services à la vie étudiante (SVE) sont l’un des plus importants employeur sur le campus de l’UQAM, qui dessert 40 000 étudiantes et étudiants. Un service d’une telle ampleur pose des défis évidents. Comment s’imprégner d’une même culture organisationnelle alors … Continue reading "« 40 000 usagers, une expérience unique. »"

16 avril 2015

Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project

Université de Montreal (UdeM) and its 2 affiliated schools (HEC Montreal and Polytechnique Montreal) decided to undertake the “Virage bleu” upon requests raised by their staff and student bodies, and in keeping with their commitment to sustainable development. Officially launched in March 2013, this initiative was geared toward promoting self-service water fountains as the best … Continue reading "Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project"

16 avril 2015

“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach

McGill’s vision to implement “Satellite Procurement operations” started taking shape in 2009, with the goal to improve customer service and strengthen the impartiality of the procurement process. The model relies heavily on collaboration, building relationships and sharing functional knowledge while focusing on improving customer response time, process efficiencies and cost savings. A value driven and … Continue reading "“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach"

16 avril 2015

Employee Recognition and Awards Streamlining, using Online Nomination Platform

In 2013, Ryerson University launched a centralized recognition and awards program that involved creating a framework for recognition, which includes three components: awards, celebration of service milestones, and leaders’ recognition toolkit for informal recognition. The program implementation is led by a dedicated resource, the Recognition Project Lead, who coordinates the annual awards and years of … Continue reading "Employee Recognition and Awards Streamlining, using Online Nomination Platform"

16 avril 2015

The Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group: An innovative approach to classroom planning and resource management

Tue Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group (TLSWG) process could be adapted or transferred to other postsecondary institutional settings. Specific features integral to success include: – Shared leadership by co-chairs from academic and operations sides of the institution – A single source of funding paired with a collaborative decision-making body composed of all stakeholders in … Continue reading "The Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group: An innovative approach to classroom planning and resource management"

16 avril 2014

Regroupement d’achat en téléphonie cellulaire

La pression sur les institutions pour diminuer les coûts d’opération est constante et l’un des secteurs où il y a une forte augmentation de l’utilisation et en conséquence des coûts est la téléphonie cellulaire. Ce moyen de communication s’est largement répandu au début des années 2000. En janvier 2011, le nombre d’abonnements à la téléphonie … Continue reading "Regroupement d’achat en téléphonie cellulaire"

16 avril 2014

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