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ACPAU 2019 : Présentations du congrès

Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les sessions de pré-congrès? Visitez la page des présentations du pré-congrès de l’ACPAU 2019. Séances plénières LUNDI 10 JUIN MARDI 11 JUIN

Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

9 juillet 2019

Best Value Business Model and Centre of Knowledge Implementation

When the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities announced their Productivity and Innovation Fund program in the summer of 2013, Western University was quick to jump at the opportunity to submit a proposal to bring the Best Value Business Model (BVBM) to Ontario and to create a Centre of Knowledge for BVBM in Ontario. … Continue reading "Best Value Business Model and Centre of Knowledge Implementation"

16 avril 2015

“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach

McGill’s vision to implement “Satellite Procurement operations” started taking shape in 2009, with the goal to improve customer service and strengthen the impartiality of the procurement process. The model relies heavily on collaboration, building relationships and sharing functional knowledge while focusing on improving customer response time, process efficiencies and cost savings. A value driven and … Continue reading "“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach"

16 avril 2015

Bonfire: A new ‘Best Practice’ tool for the Competitive Bid (RFx) Evaluation Process

Ryerson and Laurier worked closely with Bonfire to ensure their system meets the unique requirements of universities while addressing the new BPS procurement directives. Specifically, Bonfire shaped its system to accommodate the varying forms of procurement styles (e.g., contract A/B and the negotiated RFP model) including higher accountability standards for BPS organizations. The company also … Continue reading "Bonfire: A new ‘Best Practice’ tool for the Competitive Bid (RFx) Evaluation Process"

16 avril 2014


There are financial aspects to every department of an academic institution, and postsecondary organizations across Canada are facing increased pressure on their budgets and overall accountability. Yet in many cases, faculty and staff who are responsible for managing or administering budgets and money issues have little financial background, and they report not just a lack … Continue reading "RYERSON UNIVERSITY’S FINANCIAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM"

16 avril 2014

Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution

Since accomplishing ISO registration, the evolution of the institution is apparent. The most evident of changes is in the clarity of roles and responsibilities amongst staff; an enhanced reputation of DELT amongst other Canadian distance delivery providers; and, DELT’s recognized quality standard of service as acknowledged by several national awards in course development, technology adoption … Continue reading "Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution"

16 avril 2009

Sustainable Development Policy of the Universit̩ de Sherbrooke

The Policy has had the effect of making the university community accountable for sustainable development. The tangible results are remarkable: active transportation, public transit, 3R-V (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, extract Value), construction of buildings that meet new standards, including sustainable development into teaching, research on this subject and recognition of the university due to its leadership … Continue reading "Sustainable Development Policy of the UniversitÌ© de Sherbrooke"

16 avril 2009

Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services

The UofC had a decentralized model in place for printing, graphic design and fax/copying. Project IMAGinE needed to be innovative with regard to existing labour, centralized services, ownership of technology, and student services. IMAGinE delivered on transforming our campus in the following ways: – Labour: using a blended model of Xerox employees. UofC employees that … Continue reading "Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services"

16 avril 2009

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