Tableaux de bord ETP
L’ACPAU, dans le cadre de son partenariat continu avec l’Université du Québec, a mis au point une nouvelle série de tableaux de bord financiers permettant d’accéder à un trésor d’informations en quelques clics à peine. Plusieurs aspects particuliers des finances universitaires peuvent désormais être analysés dans une présentation uniforme facilitant la comparaison. Ces tableaux de … Continue reading "Tableaux de bord ETP"
Étiquettes : Affectation des ressources, Analyse des données, Benchmarking, Data Analytics, Étalonnage, Financial Management, Gestion de la performance, Gestion financière, Institutional Planning, Planification institutionnelle, Resource Allocation
13 décembre 2021
Étiquettes : Affectation des ressources, Assurances, Collaboration, Comités de placement, Comportements en milieu de travail, EDI (Équité - diversité et inclusion), Gestion universitaire, La cyber-sécurité, Leadership, Placements et investissements, Pratiques exemplaires, Rapports, Régimes de retraite et avantages sociaux, Resource Allocation, Sondages, Trésorerie et placement
1 octobre 2021
ACPAU 2019 : Présentations du congrès
Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les sessions de pré-congrès? Visitez la page des présentations du pré-congrès de l’ACPAU 2019. Séances plénières LUNDI 10 JUIN MARDI 11 JUIN
Étiquettes : 2019, Administration académique, Affectation des ressources, Analyse des données, Compensation, Data Analytics, Éthique, Fraude, Gestion, Gestion financière, Human Resources, La cybersécurité, Planification integrée, Pratiques exemplaires, Présentations, Rapports financiers, Rationalisation des processus, Resource Allocation, Taxes
9 juillet 2019
Open-Plan Program
The University of Alberta has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. Efficient and responsible spending is critical. University Planners and Project Managers work collaboratively and consultatively with the campus community on all design initiatives, encouraging contemporary design and furniture standards All faculties and departments are involved in the development of the general and detailed space … Continue reading "Open-Plan Program"
16 avril 2007
Translating Vision in Action
The scorecard was developed as a direct result of the Vision 2010 Strategic Plan. Producing Vision 2010 involved unprecedented consultation with professors, support staff, students, alumni, donors, community and business members in both Anglophone and Francophone communities. Various consultation tools from discussion papers to pizza parties were used to ensure input from a wide net … Continue reading "Translating Vision in Action"
16 avril 2006
Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database
The following are departments or stakeholders that were involved in and contributed to the project: Department/Stakeholder Contribution to the project Vice-President Finance and Administration Project approval and financial support Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) Project planning, coordination and implementation. DOHS hygienist participated throughout the process (e.g., interviewing workers, grouping job positions etc.). Department … Continue reading "Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database"
16 avril 2005
The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary
The concept was first presented during 2001 when focus groups were held with Management and Professional Staff about proposed changes to improve and update coverages under the core benefits program. Feedback was positive that this type of benefit would be favorably received if offered. The MaPS Steering Committee, which is composed of MaPS staff members, … Continue reading "The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary"
16 avril 2005
Applying Activity Based Costing to Supply Chain Management in a University Context
As this is a management decision support tool, the focus has been internal to the Materials Management area. However, University of Calgary Information Technology (UCIT) has had a relatively large stake in the enhancement of the ABC model. The development of the model fit with their application of Cognos data mining tools to support institutional … Continue reading "Applying Activity Based Costing to Supply Chain Management in a University Context"
16 avril 2004
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