Trend Talk Series – Call for Proposals

New Pilot Series: CAUBO Trend Talks

Closing Date: Friday, November 22, 2024

Does your organization have a pulse on emerging domestic or global trends that are expected to have a substantive impact on the Canadian higher education administration sector, be it at the institutional or functional administrative level?

If so, we encourage you to submit a proposal for the 2025 CAUBO Trend Talk series.

CAUBO is currently accepting proposals from Canadian and international associations, industry experts, consultants as well as private sector firms to participate in our pilot project: Trend Talks to be scheduled throughout 2025.

This pilot project stems from one of the strategies outlined in CAUBO’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan launched in September 2023.

To proactively capture and disseminate trends that will shape the future of higher education administration,
to enable the early development of forward-thinking solutions.

In support of this strategy, CAUBO is aiming to broaden the range of information sources (external to the association membership; Canadian and beyond; within and outside the sector; etc.) for early identification of issues and opportunities that will have a substantive impact on the higher education administrative sector.

Trends will be shared with members through a series of virtual events, titled Trend Talks.

These presentations may take the form of Ted Talks, webinars, lunch & learns, podcasts, interviews etc.). CAUBO, in conjunction with the presenters from the selected submissions, will determine the ideal format based on the content and audience.

Submissions as part of this first series of content selections will be accepted until
November 22, 2024, at 5:00 pm (ET).

Submissions will continue to be accepted year-round as part of the next submission period, however, we encourage participation in this first series as the next opportunity to be considered will be in the Spring of 2025. Series selections will be held bi-annually.

Submission Process

  • Complete and submit the online Proposal Submission Form.
  • By submitting a proposal, you are agreeing to the Guidelines for Submission as well as the CAUBO Presentation Standards outlined below.
  • Please read and review the entire form before starting to fill it out to ensure you have all the required information.
  • CAUBO’s Executive Director, and an Advisory Committee composed of member volunteers will assess proposals.
  • Confirmation of your submission will be sent by email upon the successful transmission of the online form.
  • Proposals may be submitted between October 1 and November 22, 2024.
  • Submission of a proposal does not guarantee participation in the Trend Talks series.
  • A limited number of proposals will be accepted for inclusion in the Trend Talks pilot series.
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent by email to the person listed as the primary contact for the proposal no later than December 20, 2024.
  • Proposed topics cannot be changed after the review and selection process.
  • CAUBO offers no industry exclusivity.
  • This is not a fee-based opportunity. There will be no reimbursement of costs.
  • CAUBO may request modifications to accepted proposals regarding topic emphasis, session format (to accommodate one or more similar proposals), and number of speakers.
  • Content submitted may also be considered for publications, webinars, or other workshops or member engagement events.
  • CAUBO reserves the right to revise presentation titles and/or edit the session descriptions of selected presentations for the promotional and program publications.

Click here to access the online submission form.

Guidelines for Submissions

For a proposal to be considered, the trend needs to:

  • Be new/emerging – not already on the radar of the majority of CAUBO members.
  • Be expected to have an immediate or future impact on higher education administration. This connection/application must be illustrated within the proposal.
  • Impact a broad segment of CAUBO’s institutional membership (relevant to small or large, undergraduate or research-intensive institutions, etc.).
  • Affect the university as a whole or a specific functional area. This should be specified within the proposal.
  • Be of national relevance (not only specific to a handful of provinces).
  • Unlike CAUBO’s policy related to submissions for its annual conference, private sector firms are welcome to submit a proposal without the inclusion of a university/college co-presenter.

Include all presenters who will take part in the presentation.

  • Do not list co-presenters without definite commitment that they will be collaborators in the preparation and delivery of the content. All speakers must agree to the terms and conditions for participation.

Submitting a Proposal

To submit a proposal, please include the following information as required in the online Submission Form. A PDF of the submission form template is available here for your prior review and download.

  • Session Lead Details
    Identify the person who would lead the organization of the session, including their name, title, company name, country, and email address.
    (Note: The session lead may also be a presenter/speaker or session moderator)
  • Title (Session Title) (note: 99 characters or 10-word maximum)
  • Trend Description (note: 100-word maximum)
    Provide a concise and tailored outline of the trend along with an outline of how this trend might impact the higher education administration sector.
  • Session Description (note: 300-word maximum)
    Please focus on the key messages, core insights, best practices as well as specifically provide applicable take-aways to be shared with the audience.
    (Note: the session description is intended for use in the Trend Talks promotions and highlights the context of the session presentation for prospective attendees)
  • Language of Delivery (English or Bilingual)
  • Presenter (Speaker) Details
    Provide the names of up to three presenters, including name, title, department, organization, country, and email address.

Selection Process

  • Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated, based on the submission criteria noted above, by a CAUBO volunteer subject matter experts’ advisory group of CAUBO member institutions at both functional and senior leadership levels.
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent by email to the person listed as the primary contact for the proposal.
  • All selected proposals will be subject to the CAUBO Presentation Standards listed below.

CAUBO Presentations Standards

  • All sessions will be branded CAUBO Trend Talks and promoted by CAUBO with a sub-header “presented by” the presenting organization(s).
  • If the presenting organization would like to post the event on their social media platforms, CAUBO’s communications team will provide branding standards, logos etc. and the event must be posted as CAUBO Trend Talks
  • Presenters will be listed in the event promotions (email campaigns and on the website)
  • All branding of documents used in the event must be pre-approved by CAUBO.
  • CAUBO reserves the right to record and post sessions on-demand on the institutional member secured section of the CAUBO website (
  • The session date, time are to be determined by CAUBO in collaboration with the presenters.
  • The list of participants will not be shared with presenting companies (attendee information may not be collected by other means and they may not be contacted for commercial/business purposes).
  • Depending on the agreed upon format by CAUBO and the presenters, a limit may be placed on registration to allow for the best attendee experience.
  • Submission acceptance does not include sole sourcing on a particular topic. CAUBO reserves the right to engage with other firms on similar topics.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Kristine Serjak at

Submit your proposal