What’s new and coming soon?
CAUBO continues to identify ways to enhance the online financial dashboardsto provide you with valuable resources.
The dashboards have been updated with the most recent FIUC data (2016-2017). Users can view FIUC data, such as institutional income sources, expenses, and operating expenses by function. In order to more accurately compare the dollar values from one year to the next, users can view the income and expense values in both current and constant dollars.
In the coming months CAUBO plans to create new dashboards, as well as enhance the current dashboards with a new filter which would allow members to select institutions according to their size (based on student FTE).
About the Dashboards:
With an ever-increasing need for evidence-based decision-making, university administrators rely on indicators to inform their financial, academic and strategic planning processes. CAUBO now conveys sector-wide financial data through web-based dashboards, providing members with the ability to see various trends in university finances and how institutions compare.