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Found 15 Results

UBC Indoor Air Quality Program

The implementation of an indoor air quality program at UBC Vancouver campus. The IAQP involves three key components: (1)An Air Filter Preventive Maintenance Process (2)Subject Matter Experts in Air Filtration (both in-house and external) (3)Supply Management The Air Filtration PM Process involves a degree of inspection that drives the scheduled changes of filter changes throughout … Continue reading "UBC Indoor Air Quality Program"

June 10, 2024

USask Stores Pandemic Response

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) uses a decentralized, just in time supply chain model that is similar to a retail operation, and many members of the USask community order their own supplies independently using their Purchasing Card (PCard).  With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it quickly became apparent that a new approach was necessary.  … Continue reading "USask Stores Pandemic Response"

June 15, 2021

UBC’s Try an E-Bike Program

To support UBC’s sustainable transportation target of at least 66% of trips to and from the university being made by sustainable modes, UBC developed the “Try an E-Bike Program” pilot. The program provided participants with 24hours of free e-bike rentals and discounts towards the purchase of an e-bike at six participating local bike shops. The … Continue reading "UBC’s Try an E-Bike Program"

June 29, 2020

Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises

At McMaster University, like other Canadian universities and colleges, has a number of student support departments, also call ancillary services. These are activities the generally fall as secondary to the University’s mission, but are an essential part of student support activities. These services include: Housing and Conference Services, Hospitality and Catering Services, Campus Store, Media … Continue reading "Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises"

June 29, 2020

Partnering for Success – Modernizing Supply Chain Management at Memorial

The five-year overhaul of Memorial University’s Faculty of Science supply chain management (SCM) function stands apart from similar modernization projects for its holistic approach. The initiative focused heavily on partnerships and collaboration, drawing expertise from our Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), Information Technology and Technical Services departments to achieve compatible objectives, as well as from … Continue reading "Partnering for Success – Modernizing Supply Chain Management at Memorial"

January 19, 2018

McGill Supplies Manager Solution – A Cross Road where Inventory Management, Procurement Strategies and Compliance Meet

After the 2010 success in developing and implementing the McGill MarketPlace (MMP), a holistic and fully integrated e-Procurement system, McGill University has turned its focus toward equipping its internal stockrooms/stores/services providers (the Stores) with an inventory management solution integrated with MMP. Starting 2015, the implementation of the SciQuest Supplies Manager solution (which was included in … Continue reading "McGill Supplies Manager Solution – A Cross Road where Inventory Management, Procurement Strategies and Compliance Meet"

January 12, 2017

Facilities & Services (F&S) Invoice Workflow Project

he Facilities and Services Invoice Workflow initiative is transformative in many respects. The workflow software automates the department’s invoice payment process (25,000 invoices per year) and significantly increases productivity for over one hundred staff members located across the university. The system actively manages the invoice approval and processing cycle and reduces risk to the department … Continue reading "Facilities & Services (F&S) Invoice Workflow Project"

June 14, 2016

Supporting Student Businesses: Building trust and relat ionships with student ent repreneurs

In March 2015 Western Retail Services (WRS) initiated a partnership with Propel Entrepreneurship at Western. Propel is part of the Campus-Linked Accelerator program, an initiative of the Ontario Government and administered through the Ontario Centres of Excellence. Propel provides co-working space, mentorship, seed-funding, events and acts as an advocate for local youth-based start-ups in the … Continue reading "Supporting Student Businesses: Building trust and relat ionships with student ent repreneurs"

June 13, 2016

University Manager 2013 Summer

Looking at Ancillary Services through a Wide Lens: Maximizing Revenue from Ancillary Services

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June 17, 2013

Good Ideas Contest

The Good Ideas Contest resulted in the transformation of ideas into concrete changes at the University of Ottawa. Students benefited from the creation of a new orientation week at the starting of the winter semester; water and energy usage from restroom facilities were reduced; a Bike-Share Program was initiated to allow community members to use … Continue reading "Good Ideas Contest"

April 16, 2009

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