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Found 82 Results

UBC Indoor Air Quality Program

The implementation of an indoor air quality program at UBC Vancouver campus. The IAQP involves three key components: (1)An Air Filter Preventive Maintenance Process (2)Subject Matter Experts in Air Filtration (both in-house and external) (3)Supply Management The Air Filtration PM Process involves a degree of inspection that drives the scheduled changes of filter changes throughout … Continue reading "UBC Indoor Air Quality Program"

June 10, 2024

Flexing for the Future: Redefining Services, Roles, Spaces, and Success in a Hybrid Work Environment

Through the Hybrid Work Arrangements (HWA) program developed and implemented by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education’s (OISE) prioritizing flexibility, community needs, and innovative service delivery, OISE has not only weathered the challenges posed by the pandemic but has also proactively shaped its academic and operational landscape for the future.  OISE’s HWA program is … Continue reading "Flexing for the Future: Redefining Services, Roles, Spaces, and Success in a Hybrid Work Environment"

June 10, 2024

Digital Research Services: a One-Stop-Shop for Digital Research Support

New digital technologies have profoundly transformed academic research across all disciplines, creating both opportunities and challenges for researchers to turn data into scientific breakthroughs. McGill’s Digital Research Services (DRS) team was formed to create a one-stop-shop to assist researchers in navigating the increasingly complex digital research ecosystem. DRS provides advice and support on three primary … Continue reading "Digital Research Services: a One-Stop-Shop for Digital Research Support"

June 10, 2024

CAUBO 2023: Main Conference Presentations

Click below to download available CAUBO 2023 Main Conference presentations. Looking for the functional seminars? Visit the presentations page for CAUBO 2023’s functional seminars. PLENARY SESSIONS Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Wednesday, May 10, 2023

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September 26, 2023

IDEA Lab: Transforming the Future of Digital-First Research

Digital technologies are revolutionizing all areas of industry, culture, and society—yet higher education, particularly in Canada, has lagged in our adoption and deployment of cloud solutions in the research process. Research infrastructure is typically still understood as things that can be touched or toured on a physical campus. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, accentuated the risks … Continue reading "IDEA Lab: Transforming the Future of Digital-First Research"

May 15, 2023

Laurier Energy Efficiency Project (LEEP)

Electrical power production in Ontario is changing from centralized to decentralized. The commercial availability of renewable energy and energy storage technologies have made big strides forward. As such, in a landscape with increasing risks to campus operations, Laurier elected to develop an energy strategy that would improve climate adaptation, progress reliability and resiliency of energy … Continue reading "Laurier Energy Efficiency Project (LEEP)"

June 15, 2022

The Future of Academic Events: Integrating a virtual strategy into our business practice

With restrictions imposed on our operations and work from home measures due to the ongoing pandemic, Hospitality Concordia had to evolve its offering to meet the needs of its community for events. We quickly recognized that we had to support virtual events as a means for academics to further their research and starting in spring 2020 … Continue reading "The Future of Academic Events: Integrating a virtual strategy into our business practice"

June 15, 2022

Risk Based Emergency Response

Following the onset of a global pandemic in 2020, Sheridan closed its campuses and retooled over 3,000 courses for over 25,000 students and all student support services for virtual delivery, to comply with provincial directives preventing in-person teaching and learning on postsecondary campuses. To enable business continuity and retain the engagement of students and employees, … Continue reading "Risk Based Emergency Response"

June 15, 2022

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